viernes, 31 de julio de 2020



“Do we teach language using culture or do we teach culture using language”

-When we teach the language and build a social context right there through the language, culture is built, we teach the words and we forget the culture, starting with the basic thing that is when we teach a language and we should automatically explain the slang to them, as in Colombia We have certain idioms or words different from the common ones, in the United States or abroad it happens the same. We use culture to teach language, we cannot teach a language with all the basics forgetting that there are different words and ways to use it-

As it is easy to understand, language is the main component of culture, be it a foreign language, in this case the English language or a native language that demonstrates culture is the basis of a language, mainly if we speak from the historical theme where a country or region has its dialect and language thanks to its culture. A clear example is the native or indigenous languages which their language allows them to communicate with others of the same group and to teach about this culture we must start with the language in order to be able to communicate and understand them then in that order of idea the language is based on culture and language becomes a tool to teach culture, but the base is culture giving the order of how language should be handled.

All language is the product of culture, this is the main tool for the individual to appropriate a culture, another example is the English language, where the student or person who wants to travel example to the United States must understand that their language is different from you will find in the united kingdom, this because the culture is different and that makes the language change, even if your language is the same. A clear example is saying GALLETA (SPANISH) since in the United States it is called COOKIE and in England, it is called BISCUIT, here the language is the same because English is spoken, it is a foreign language compared to our native one, but its language changes by the culture you have.

The main thing is always to recognize that language is the words to express a language, which in turn expresses a culture.
Language is an aid to understand a culture, you do not need to be an indigenous person to have a culture, people who do not belong to any ethnic group also handle culture, even if it is as simple as taking off your shoes before entering a house or using certain words to express ourselves, all that is part of the culture and changes according to region or country and this is where the language that is used to express ourselves before the need to understand cultures comes in, but that different language always occurs thanks to culture.

Human beings are social beings who need a language to understand others independent of our culture and logically we need our language to be in accordance with what the culture that we are going to visit, represent, know or understand tells us. We cannot forget that when a language is going to be taught, we must respect the culture and look for a little more of it in order to respect it and in turn have development as if we were native.



                                            ⬇️CONCLUSION ABOUT THE UNIT 1⬇️

The activities allow us to understand and understand the close relationship between language and culture, which is basic and fundamental for us as English teachers. Language, although it may be superficially separated from culture, quality is what gives it its own identity.

Likewise, it was possible to visualize how language and culture are expressed and taught in classrooms by giving the chair of a foreign language, in this case, English, probably thus recognizing errors or strengths of each significant experience.

To conclude unit 1 presents us what is the beginning of an understanding of the world of the relationship between language and culture in teaching

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Task 4 – Final Evaluation Laura Carolina Benavides – Cod. 1075684204 Language and culture Group Number: 551036_2 Tutor: Astrid Yanira Lemos ...